Monday, June 28, 2010

Has it really been that long?

I've been MIA... so sorry. Various health issues.... earlier on I didn't even know I had "health issues".... have kept me both from my daily creating and my daily blogging. Praise God we have ruled out the meanest and nastiest health issues and are left with some that will mean creative living, but not a "death sentence" by any means. (Visit my other blog for more info: )

In the meantime, I may not have been creating daily, but I have been creating. And, I've been teaching others to create as well. We ended our homeschool year with an assemblage/collage project which used the background paper technique from The Artistic Mother book, although we applied it to stretched canvas. Then we used many found objects and went to town. I hope to post pictures at some point... the projects were amazing!

I was also asked to make a series of BFF necklaces. Quite a challenge! In the end I used one of my background papers, added stuff on the computer, shrank it down, made a collage and then cut it into pieces to be applied to each domino. I was VERY happy. So was the lady who ordered them. So was the shop owner who asked about me to see if I would be interested in working with them to sell my jewelry. We'll see if I follow through... life, energy, health.

In the meantime, I've made several necklaces for friends, and continued to gather found objects, haunted auctions and hit garage sales. As "Art and Soul" approaches (our local art and craft show which I've been invited to take part in) I am seeing that I want to limit some of my work: necklaces, notebooks and some Christmas stuff. My domino and "Bit of Charm" necklaces have a small following, and from the last show I know my button jewelry should also sell well. So, just taking baby steps. Still creating, just slowly, but savoring the lack of fear about health issues!

Hope you all are doing well!


  1. So glad you are doing better, blessings and love my friend.

  2. Below is a general message for all participants of The Artistic Mother's Art. I know that you are already doing some and maybe all that I mention. Thank you so much for being a part of our group. You are awesome.

    I want to make sure that as much as possible that everyone else in the group is aware of when you post something for our group, The Artistic Mother's Art Group, so that you will receive visits. We now have 99 participants. That is so great! Because we are so large, it is not possible to visit each and every post that every member puts up; so when you post something related to The Artistic Mother's Art group, I would suggest that you start your title off with "Artistic Mother" to maximize your chances of others from the group paying you a visit. I look at the blog roll for our group every day; and when I see those words, I automatically know that this is a post that I don't want to miss. Please continue to check the blog roll on my blog for Artistic Mother Group related posts on a regular basis so that we can continue to encourage one another in our efforts to do a little something creative each day. Only five show at a time. Just click "Show All" to see all of the blogs. Also, keep in mind that if you are leaving encouraging comments, that will ensure that you will receive some back yourself.

    Another thing you can do to help you remember to check my blog often to see if I have posted or check the blog roll to see if others have posted is you can put my blog on your blog roll and/or in your reader so you'll easily see when I've posted and you don't have to try to remember on your own.

    Host of The Artistic Mother's Art Group

  3. I'm very happy to hear you're doing better! I liked the term you used, "Creative Living" That can be applied to so much. And thanks for posting the BFF pictures. The lady who ordered them IS very happy! ;)


